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The future

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:35 pm
by Ciaran
Not to use an ominious thread title, but I do believe now that we're up and running, that its time to give consideration into how we're going to run the site long term.

I'll try and list these in broad catagories, and some points may well end up with specific topics to deal with them.

The main issues I see (very broadly) at the moment are as follows:
  1. Site name and URL
    Right, basically, as everyone knows, this name and address are temporary, and merely intended as a handy reference for past Club-XM users. For a vareity of reasons, we can't keep the Club-XM name. Unfortunately the available names are a bit limited, so, current suggestions are as follows: /.org / (.com is taken sadly) / .eu (.com, .org and .net taken) / .net / / .eu

    I'm currently leaning towards or, on the basis of the international .com / .net extensions. The ones are easier come by (such as, however they don't signify the global appeal we're looking for IMO.
    Thoughts. I figure if we whittle it down to two names then we can have a poll to determine which one is used. Personally, I prefer If anyone has any other name suggestions, please post them here. Ideally they should be as short and XM related as possible, while still being 'snazzy' and recognisable.
    When the naming is confirmed we can work on proper logos, forum styles, etc.
  2. Forum layout and content
    The current list of forums are by no means binding, I simply added a few broad catagories, while being mindful of overdoing it and having far too many sub catagories. The one area I can't decide on, is how to handle the 'How to' / 'Self help' guides written by members. Should we have one general forum to contain all of these, like Club-XM did, or should we have a subforum of each category, containing self help guides for that particular subject. It would be helpful to have input from the main contributers of the material, i.e John, Peter, Derek etc (sorry if I overlooked anyone), on this.
    This also links me into the next point:
  3. Staffing / Administration
    While I should be around on the forum most days, we cannot repeat the 'absentee landlord' scenario of Club-XM, therefore I think there is a need to have at least 2-3 additional staff members initially. This may change as things grow.
    The main issue, will be obvious things such as the swift removal of spam from the board, assisting users with registration and posting problems, and perhaps most notably, the correct catagorisation and 'purification' of our important technical content.
    Not to rule anyone out, but the task of forum administration does require a modicum of technical mindedness (is that even a word? it is now! :lol: ), though that's not to say if you're new to this that you can't learn the ropes, however if you do find yourself a bit perplexed with using the forum for everyday posts etc, then moderation tasks may not be something that you'd feel comfortable doing. As said, not meaning to offend anyone, but do think about what’s entailed before you think about putting yourself forward for this.
    Paul I believe has expressed an interest already, so if he's willing we have one person for this. If we could get 3 more, that would be a good even number for now, especially considering the board's small size at the moment. I do think it would be helpful if one or more of the main technical content contributors (John & Co) would be involved in this, as it would ensure technical data threads are well maintained.
    If we get a whole deluge of people wanting to do this, I guess we'll have to try and find some way to whittle them down.
That's about all I can think of for now (thank god says everyone :lol:), but if anyone has something which I've not covered here, please do post. I'll leave this thread for a day or two then we can take the appropriate actions.


Re: The future

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:31 pm
by jorgy
Hi Ciaran

1. -I'd like something with the "Citroen" in it, that's just a personal preference. Also, there's this XM-satellite radio and the XML language that often mixes up with search results. But if u can make sure that u get "XMForum" as a top result in Google, then that's not an issue anymore.
-What's the benefit of a .com as compared eg to an .org, if any?

Idea: is it easy to put up an on-line poll survey with eg 10 different candidate names? You could leave this running for a period (months?), with an official voting deadline predetermined, or till u get eg 100 votes, and that's it!

2. I think the "How To" shoud def. have subcategories. "Mechanics", "Hydraulics" etc, prob some mirror of the main forum layout.

Another issue is: will the "How To/Do it Yourself" be one and the same section with the "Technical Documentation" (where I'd upload e.g. all official docs I have on the Hydropneumatic/Hydractive Suspension etc stuff)?? They should be 2 separate sections imo, they r not quite the same thing.

3. I'm too IT-illiterate for offering to do any taks related to forum maintenance....But if any funding is needed for any reason, I think we will be all ready to contribute our donation!!


Re: The future

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:36 pm
by andmcit
So. is dead...

...long live

or there's:

TBH, I'm not sure I like x although we sometimes may appear to be winging
about these cars...

Currently I'm not a very happy Andmcit and have been living in my own personal hell the
past few weeks and would struggle to post in an upbeat mood so have been in self imposed
exile to prevent being a downer on the positive forward looking vibes with this new forum/
direction - so a big thank you Ciarán for getting this ball rolling and getting Xm dialogue
going again. I'll miss the old place mind - familiar surroundings and a happy place for me
since enrolling 7th from it's inception in August 2003.

Whatever it's called, here's hoping we're all still merrily talking about Xm's here
@whatever-it' in another 6 years time!!

*give me a shout for forum banner/logo/front page graphic/club stickers etc when we know
what name to give the new baby - it's what I do! Not sure it'd take my mind of damned cars tho...


Re: The future

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:51 pm
by jorgy
...spit it all out Andrew, u *know* u have a set of good listening ears overhear.....(better not hijack this thread though! :lol: )

Re: The future

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:03 am
by Ciaran
Hi Guys,

OK, I'll compile the proposed list of domain names into a poll and we can try and whittle down the suggestions.

Andrew, glad to see you about, I know you've not had a good time of it lately, and hope we can go some way to distracting you from it at least (rather than driving you to distraction :lol:).
Certainly will give you a shout about graphics when we finalise the name, I know you're the man for the job, in fact you sprung straight to mind earlier!


Re: The future

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:23 am
by minijet

Although '' can't be used, would it be possible to turn it round and use '' ?

Or '' or '' etc...........?

Or how about ''.........I bet it's already been taken ;)


Re: The future

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:49 am
by CitroJim
Hi Ciarán,

I'm more than happy to be "on the staff" on this forum.

Re: The future

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:16 am
by xmexclusive
Hi Ciaran and All

As to forum name it is much less significant to us registered members as we already know what it is and how to find it. New people with different knowledge and XM/Citroen car problems or a wish to own an XM will be our forum life blood. If we are to grow then the only real criteria is chosing a main name that optimises reaching potential new members. Ideally this means chosing something that optimises its selection by Google type search engines when someone is searching for citroen XM technical help. Not everyone uses English as their first language so some words like Club may be poor choices. I will see if I can get a briefing from my technical "Gru" on how to make the Google search engine work in our favour rather than against us.
As far as the self help is concerned I came round to a system where I made a new subject posting and when there was extra information I edited it into the first entry. This meant that the first entry may get a bit long but is summarises that whole technical issue with individual contributors duly credited. This makes readability easier for those searching for help. I suggest that for now we just follow that principle and let our "Technical Self Help" section grow. If it still gets a bit too wayward or jumbled then we could then make it a post only with moderators consent section. I would be happy to try moderating on this and the technical information side if no one objects.


Re: The future

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:12 am
by Dean
I would certainly not object, i think the self help section has to be religiously regulated for the reasons highlited by John and the idea of editing the first post to update the info is exellent, that way when someone needs to look for info when they open the thread eveything they may need to know is there in the first post and there is no need to wade through pages of stuff looking for what you need.


Re: The future

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:47 am
by Peter.N.
Hi Ciaran

I can't say that I am the best organizer in the world or that my computing skills are all that brilliant, I manage all the day to day things OK and can usually do things once I have been shown, so I am not an ideal candidate for admin. Having said that, if there was a need I would be prepared to have a go.
