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Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:16 pm
by drtim
Ok I guess you could listen to the cricket over the internet with the iPhone!

Even my current soon to be replaced phone plays music but I have found it tends to run the battery down a lot
so only really use it for music in real emergencies

Still I have done detailed a/b comparisons and mp3s do not sound as good as wavs over any 1/2 decent sound system.
Memory cards aint big enough to have loads of WAVs hanging around.

Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:59 pm
by DerekW
"Still I have done detailed a/b comparisons and mp3s do not sound as good as wavs over any 1/2 decent sound system.
Memory cards aint big enough to have loads of WAVs hanging around."

One of the (many) disadvantages of advancing years is that you tend to lose the higher frequencies, the last check I did (about 15 years ago in the kids' section of the Science Museum) anything over 8k was lost. It must be worse now as I can't even hear the tick of a watch, so sound quality is a relatively low priority :lol: .

Funny thing is, the music still sounds exactly the same :D , must be my memory filling in the gaps.


Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:20 pm
by rowanmoor
drtim wrote:Even my current soon to be replaced phone plays music but I have found it tends to run the battery down a lot so only really use it for music in real emergencies
That is not a worry with the iPhone. It just existing runs the battery down a lot so you have to have it plugged in so much of the time that you won't notice the difference playing music :lol:

Before anyone accuses me of being anti iPhone, that and the over controlled AppStore are my only criticisms of them really. It is a fine piece of design. If I didn't already have a large investment in WinMobile apps/setup then I would probably have one by now.

Now you all have me wondering about replacing my radio with one that takes digital media of some sort. Must resist...Must resist... I only play CDs a few times a year and they are mostly the same 3 kids ones. There I don't need one...Do I?

Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:32 pm
by colinxm
On Derek's recommendation I've just bought one of these units on ebay from the same seller, 71 euros inc postage. Hope the customs don't knobble me :shock:


Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:35 pm
by DerekW
Hi Colin, I do hope you're pleased with your purchase. The seller put a custom declaration form with "electronic $20" on mine - it arrived by registered post with no extra charge.


Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:08 pm
by colinxm
Thanks Derek, that's nice to know :D

Regards Colin.P

Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:48 pm
by drtim
andmcit wrote:Gowd, tapes Tim! For a lad that used to record the latest charts off the radio and tape to tape
my own compilations, my ipod and iphone have been a whole moonshot shock to the system.
Dean, for something the same size as my wallet, with my iPhone I have my entire music collection
in nifty technicolour with coverflow yet also have my own mini video player and internet access,
a tidy camera for most tasks I want to picture and it also manages to allow calls too!! :lol:

The iPhone also has a massive single point of failure, the touch screen.
I guess you could listen to the cricket on the internet over 3G on it to make up for lack of LW radio though.
I have some experience with 3G though and Ill take my chances with LW coverage anyday.

Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:59 pm
by andmcit
I never said the iPhone was "the best" mobile handset in the world although I love using mine and have no
problems with the touch screen; in fact when I used my iPod touch when it first came out a year or so
back it was a truly superb experience and I certainly got a buzz from the almost breathtaking experience
of using the touchscreen interface - in fact I still do!

Anything else feels clunky and cumbersome. The single most genuine criticism has already been mentioned
with the appetite for battery power but I spend a whole chunk of my time with a computer (handy usb port)
nearby on a mac keyboard or the car charger anyway so it's no big deal!!

As with everything, there'll be big fans (like many here with Xm's) and their detractors.


Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:25 am
by colinxm
Hi Derek,

Can I pick your brains/compare notes ?

After a couple of months with my unit I too am well chuffed except for a couple of things :o The music reproduction has a very tinny/electronic edge to it that I can't get rid of, my son has also bought one and his is just the same.

Also, have you been able to get the "Naviextras toolbox" to recognise either the unit or the sd card that houses the prog - it looks as if the "IGO8" program has been pirated :roll: , I can't get mine to cooperate no matter what I do...

Cheers Colin.P

Re: Who needs a CD player?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:50 pm
by DerekW
Hi Colin, have you tried adjusting the pre-amp equaliser? Mind you, as I posted previously I am developing an age related tin ear where music is concerned :D .

I can't find a Naviextras toolbox, just GPS - Music - Video - Photo - EBook - Flash (what's that?) - Games - Tools (contents, calculator and unit exchange) - Setting - GPS info.

What problem are you having with Igo8? I believe the supplied program doesn't include speed cameras but I think everything else is included. If you wish I'll put my program onto a CD and post it to you. It's set up to my preferences but includes speed cams, buildings and terrain.
