Dashboard and Lights

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Re: Dashboard and Lights

Post by Dieselman » Thu May 11, 2023 6:53 am

You may find that gently cleaning the reflector and polishing the lens, makes a significant difference to the output of your dipped beam lights.
Be very careful with the reflector as it's very easy to rub the coating off. Best to swill the reflector with soapy water and not touch it at all, if possible.

Xm dipped beam lights aren't great due to still using a lens, but were actually pretty reasonable when new due to being complex parabolic reflectors.
The real issue is the aluminium coating of the reflector has oxydised and will be dusty.
You can have reflectors re alumised using Vacuum Metallisation process.

If your standard halogen lights are really poor, are you sure the bulbs are receiving full voltage, as opposed to being on dim-dip?
On sidelights, with the engine running the headlamps should be on but dim. Only on headlamps setting, is full voltage sent to the lamps via the relays.
Relays were used on the Xm to ensure the lamps receive full battery voltage, as a drop of about 1v reduces output by something like 25%.

The issue with HID burners, or LED bulbs in halogen reflectors, is that the focal point of the light source cannot be in the same position as the light from the halogen bulb, so causes light scatter, which is very dazzling for oncoming drivers.
There is nothing that can be done to overcome this, as the reflector cannot focus the light properly, due to incandescent bulbs creating a spot light source, where the hottest point is central, whereas HID burners create a light source where the hottest points are at the ends of the arc.

For detailed information, please see:
http://www.danielsternlighting.com/tech ... sions.html

Sellers of HID kits are well aware of the law and ensure they are free from prossecution by burying the following text in their product descriptions, but not in the general information pages.
"This product is sold for 'off-road' & 'show' purposes only"

You could install other halogen, or LED complete units, dispensing with the lens.
For now I would remove the HID kits and return the wiring to standard, clean the headlamps out and clean/polish the lens, then take it for an Mot test.
Any electrical issues can be resolved as the car would then be in standard format.
91 3.0 sei M. 4852 EXY Black
92 2.1 sed M. 5740 ECZ Sable Phenicien
92 3.0 V6-24. 5713 EXY Black
92 2.1 sd M. 5685 ENT Blue Sideral
90 2.1sd M. 5049 EJV Mandarin
92 2.1sd A. 5698 EJV Mandarin
94 2.1sd A. 6218 ERT Triton
91 2.0si M. 5187 EWT White

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