Damaged Series 1 V6 24v

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David Hallworth
Citrobics expert
Posts: 546
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Damaged Series 1 V6 24v

Post by David Hallworth » Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:43 pm

I believe there was a Series 1 V6 24v XM that was damaged on one side many years ago. From memory it was an L reg in grey.

Does anybody know anything about the car or the damage that it sustained?

'98 Xantia Activa V6 :-D
'00 XM V6 Exclusive
'12 C6 3.0 HDi Exclusive
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Re: Damaged Series 1 V6 24v

Post by Dieselman » Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:37 am

If we are talking about the same car, as I believed that one to be black.
My understanding is that it was very heavy damage.
The car was parked in a specialists compound and a car drove through the fence into the side of the 24v and pinned it against the wall of the building by the opposite rear corner.
The car was banana shaped.
It went to another Xm specialist ...not sure what happened to it there.

The only Grey one I know of being damaged one side was Pauls.
92 2.1SED M.RP5740 ECZ Sable Phenicien
92 3.0 V6-24.Rp 5713 EXY Black
92 2.1SD M.RP 5685 ENT Blue Sideral
90 2.1SD M.RP 5049 EJV Mandarin
92 2.1SD A.RP 5698 EJV Mandarin
94 2.1SD A.RP 6218 ERT Triton Green
91 2.0SI M.RP 5187 EWT White

David Hallworth
Citrobics expert
Posts: 546
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Re: Damaged Series 1 V6 24v

Post by David Hallworth » Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:56 am

That sounds like the same car I’m thinking of.

Do you know where it was or if there were ever any pictures of the damage? I thought it was a dark grey but it could well have been black.

'98 Xantia Activa V6 :-D
'00 XM V6 Exclusive
'12 C6 3.0 HDi Exclusive
'15 C4 BlueHDi Feel

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