The accident happened today where an older lady crashed into the house of our neighbour and my car. I was sitting behind my desk on the far end of the house and felt the whole house shaking. Not only is my car severely damaged (though it drives still and goes up and down as it should!), but also the front of the house of our neighbour is damaged, and our front slightly. The older lady came free with some shock, but no physical hurt or pain.
Quite a day.
But on the XM front, I hope I can rescue this car (again.... one time Paul rescued it (repairing the turbo!), another time someone else also drove into the back and it was repaired to a better state than it had before the accident (almost, but we negotiated with garage and insurance, written off) and now again.
Our white L912BLJ is still with Malcolm (Savoy garage) and he has his hands full with getting parts and of course other tasks. He always does a good job