My XM (P820 UNM) crashed from the back!

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My XM (P820 UNM) crashed from the back!

Post by Degens » Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:00 pm

My blue Citroen XM 2.0 CT (P820 UNM), repaired no almost 10 years ago by Paul Roberts had been driven into the back. I think it is a write off, but I will seek to get it repaired. It just 2 weeks ago passed the MOT with some advisories that all have been repaired. Now I hope someone can give me an idea what I should tell the insurance the car is worth. I have all history also.

The accident happened today where an older lady crashed into the house of our neighbour and my car. I was sitting behind my desk on the far end of the house and felt the whole house shaking. Not only is my car severely damaged (though it drives still and goes up and down as it should!), but also the front of the house of our neighbour is damaged, and our front slightly. The older lady came free with some shock, but no physical hurt or pain.

Quite a day.

But on the XM front, I hope I can rescue this car (again.... one time Paul rescued it (repairing the turbo!), another time someone else also drove into the back and it was repaired to a better state than it had before the accident (almost, but we negotiated with garage and insurance, written off) and now again.

Our white L912BLJ is still with Malcolm (Savoy garage) and he has his hands full with getting parts and of course other tasks. He always does a good job ;-). So, now, reluctantly I have to use my CX (G181 ENV) for my daily 32-mile commute (I never though that would happen when I bought that car 'for nice weather only').

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Re: My XM (P820 UNM) crashed from the back!

Post by Dieselman » Sun Apr 28, 2024 9:51 am

It really depends on the severity of the damage, but technically one can make a 3rd party insurer repair the car irrespective of cost.

Ask the other drivers insurer for an equivalent loan car to tide you over while they sort your claim.
91 3.0 sei M. 4852 EXY Black
92 2.1 sed M. 5740 ECZ Sable Phenicien
92 3.0 V6-24. 5713 EXY Black
92 2.1 sd M. 5685 ENT Blue Sideral
90 2.1sd M. 5049 EJV Mandarin
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91 2.0si M. 5187 EWT White

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Re: My XM (P820 UNM) crashed from the back!

Post by renault760 » Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:43 pm

Hiya. What's the latest with you car? Good news?

I too have a CX, recently recommissioned at Savoy. I have just exhumed my '89 XM and was thinking of seeing if Malcolm was up to taking it on. He didn't sound especially interested when I mentioned it last year after he had finished my CX.

I hope the news is good,


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Re: My XM (P820 UNM) crashed from the back!

Post by Degens » Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:29 pm

Thanks Dieselman and Renault,

for the advice! We are tomorrow off to Malcolm for a loan car, an XM estate he said, so staying in style! Malcom thought it is repairable, seeing the pictures, so we hope to get it on the road again (and we had thought to get parts repainted earlier inn the year, until our white XM gearbox gave up, and is now with Malcolm also the last three months getting it repaired (we had just the week before had all spheres replaced). Of course, that comes at a cost and we had to delay the repainting of the blue one, but it is still my plan. If the blue one can be repaired, and parts need to be repainted I think I have the parts I originally wanted repainted done at the same time and then I have two top XMs (also given that both passed the MOT; the blue one just 3 weeks ago, with just advisories that have all been addressed). Maybe having a major job on my white XM made him less enthousiastic to take on your '89 XM for the moment!

I know it sounds odd, but I rarther have my cars repaired that cheaper getting a replacement, just to make sure they don't disappear!

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