It's funny you mention the spigot being cracked, as the night before I had actually found this was a problem on my car by blowing through the fuel lines and finding diesel weeping out. It was pretty badly cracked.
I've sealed it with epoxy, I no longer have air drawn in before the pump or filter.
However, I still have problems starting the car.
If I prime the pump, the primer buton goes soft almost immediately and I can hear air chirping inside the pump. I've replaced all the o rings in the top half of the pump, and sealed the diaphragm in the boost compensator with grease. Still no joy though.
I've also found more damaged wiring, this time below the LHM tank.
Any ideas what this plug is for? The black lead is for the glow plugs, but the blue lead was cut at one end and I cannot find any corresponding wires in the surrounding loom, so not sure if someone has cut out some wiring? There's 12 volts present at the connector, so can't see why the wire would terminate like that other than someone cutting it off.
I'm also getting a bad signal from the speed sensor at times. I see oxidation on one pin, so I'll clean that and see if it improves, if not then I'll get a new sensor.
More annoyingly, the car has developed a rhythmic grinding noise from the nearside front, along with a strong vibration. This happens above 20mph and the car is effectively undrivable now. It feels like a binding caliper or bad CV joint, but I haven't had time to investigate.
I'm probably going to take a break from this car for a bit though, as I've not been enjoying the work for a long time now and all my other cars have suffered at the expense of me focusing on the XM, not to mention my partner and kids. I did a tally up, and I'm at least 400 hours into this car now, so I'm a bit upset that I'm where I am with it now.